“It's a new season and it's a new era, a time to put away foolish things. It's a changing
of the garments. Like Ruth, she had the same garments of widowhood and mourning,
which she was wrapped in, she thought her future would be hopeless. But she made
a covenant. Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay and your people will be
my people and your God will be my God.
IT'S TIME to let those things go. There are new garments to wear, and they are much more
fashionable for this era: the garment of praise, the garment of thanksgiving, the
garment of joy and peace and wisdom, the garment of generous giving, the garment
of love, the garment of expectation, the garment of letting offenses go and the
garment of giving those hurts to God. Your restoration has come upon you from the
inside out, and your inheritance is in view. It's the era for your Boaz. You've turned
His head. He has seen you gleaning in the fields. Your season is changing, you've
changed your garments and laid yourself at His feet and asked Him to cover you.
This is the era. You've been positioned and postured to carry the Glory and receive
your inheritance. Wear your garments well, they will speak to those who are
watching.” says the Lord.
This is our new season, and we have entered into it as of this summer 2022. As the word
says above we have been positioned and postured not only with new garments but we are
building. We are building in the spirit and have been building with our prayers and
intercessions and being in that secret place of intimacy with God.
Recently, I had a dream and in that dream I was in a huge sanctuary. When I walked in I
felt I was at home. I felt safe. There was a place there for me to live which was attached to
the sanctuary. It was upstairs and I paid for it. Then I received papers with my letterhead on
it for ministry purposes and I received all that I needed for ministry purposes as far as
supplies. I remember sitting on the floor as we all gathered for a meeting. I remember a
feeling of everyone being included even though we had our separate assignments. I
remember thinking that many people are going to be reached.
God has been building as we have been in that intimate place with Him. He has been
building us from the inside out and building has been taking place in the unseen realm
around us, positioning us for what is about to happen as Heaven invades earth. He will
supply all we need to fulfill our assignments.
Isaiah 57:14
“And it will be said,’ Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the
way of my people’”.
Nothing or no one will stop this next move of God.
Contributor: Nellie O'Hara