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Thankfulness in Seasons of Change

Updated: Feb 27, 2024

Give thanks to the Lord for HE IS GOOD!!!

It's Autumn and it is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.

This time of year is one of my favourite times of the year.

The yellows, oranges, and reds are so vibrant with change in the air.

Autumn has a freshness about it. An excitement for new things but also a "settling down" in preparation for the season to come. One foot is still in memories of summer's longer days filled with enjoyment and adventure, while the other foot is stepping toward a winter of longer nights and the pending challenges of cold weather.

Spring and Autumn are transition seasons, filled with change. And yet, we love the vibrancy of spring as we anticipate changes of new things to show up every day , and we love autumn's vibrancy of changing leaves and busy ants and squirrels preparing for a season coming; although a season where food is less available and the cold is less welcoming.

We often don't like change, but it happens to us and around us all the time.

Simple changes are easy to navigate but changes that disrupt our thinking, our lifestyles, and our relationships are more challenging to grow with. These types of changes work deeper within us to not just change us but transition us into transformation. It is the process of being transformed that we have the most struggle with.

Sometimes change is not welcomed when others try to change us into the image they want us to have but we can make every change we face an opportunity for more of God's glory to transform us into His image. It is Holy Spirit who is transforming us from glory to glory. The instruments of change might be evil, or they might be good, but God is good all the time and as we submit to Him within the changes and transitions we face, we will see His glory working in us and through us. God is good and His mercies toward us are new and fresh every day.

We celebrate the changes of the seasons because we know the changes will lead to a new season we are familiar with. Because we are familiar with what is coming, we aren't fearful or anxious about the season changing; instead, we are hopeful for what good is to come within that season. What if we saw every change in our lives as an opportunity to lead us into something familiar to us? Something we look forward to with hope and expectation? What if we saw every opportunity to change is an opportunity to transform us to become more like Jesus in all His goodness?

As we face continual change in the world around us, let us keep our eyes on Jesus and remain in His peace. He is our peace and the stability of our times.

Let us give thanks to the Lord, for He is good - in every circumstance - even in the midst of change and transition. We can give thanks to the Lord in everything as He turns any change and transition, in any season, to gloriously transform us into His likeness. All things are working together for good to those who love God and are pursuing His purposes.

You see, it is not surprising that Autumn is the season of Thanksgiving. We celebrate and give thanks to the Lord - for He is good in this season of change and transition in our lives. We can be thankful and expectant for His goodness to be evident to us every day. We can smile in this season as He provides everything we need for what we will need in the next.

Give thanks to the Lord for He IS good! Today and every day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Contributor: Jane Watrich

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