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It is Time for My Glory Carriers to Rise!

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being

transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord,

who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Rise up, My children. Seek Me and find Me while there is still time. Awaken from thy

slumber. Now is not the season for rest. We are in a battle for the soul of the Nations.

The night is dark, but the dawn comes. The enemy seeks to rob, steal, kill and destroy,

but I have defeated the enemy! His plans are not too big for Me. His defeat has already

been weighed in the balance.

It is time to roll out My strategies and countermeasures.

Roar, My Children! Release the sound of My victory!

Be silent no more, My Ecclesia! Speak up, speak out!

Do not sit in silence. Do not taint thyself with the will and the way of the enemy. Resist the devil and he must flee. Keep thyself pure. Do not engage with idols and the things of the world that would steal your soul. Rise above in My power and strength. I have given thee the tools to conquer all. Do not be weary in battle but press on. You do not battle flesh and blood, but the powers of darkness who would stop at nothing to conquer all.

A new day has dawned where I am releasing My glory upon this earth!

I am raising up and calling out My “Glory Carriers”!

Do you not perceive it?

Those that would purpose in their hearts to do My will, My way. Those that have laid their agendas aside, and like Isaiah, have called out “Use me, Lord, use me!”. I shall place a live coal upon their lips, and they shall speak truth and life. Those manifested sons and daughters shall walk in My light. They will bring hope, healing, strength and peace to the land. Their beacons of light will shine in this dreary dark land. The power and glory they carry will change the land for My good purpose.

Once again, seek me, My children, while there is still time! The battle rages, but it is my

desire to bring you peace and rest in Me. For I will hide thee beneath the shadow of My

wings. You shall not stumble or fall. I will be your protector. I will be your provider. I

will be your strength. I will make your path straight as you move in Me.

Be silent no more! Speak My Word!

Stand for truth and righteousness. Justice is coming.

The wicked have laughed, mocked and held scorn for Me, but in My mercy, I have delayed My judgement. It is my desire that none shall perish, and all come to Me while there is still time. My mercy is great, but the day of my great wrath is on the horizon.

The blood of the innocent cries out to Me. The time of recompense is here. I have stayed the hand of consequence, but no longer will I delay. My angel armies are poised for My command and now you will see with your own eyes My fierce retaliation upon the wicked for their works of injustice.

This earth and the fulness thereof belongs to Me!

I will restore all that the cankerworm has eaten.

I shall reset the hands of time. Thou has not seen, thou has not heard, the

wonders and miracles I am about to unleash upon the land. My glory shall saturate this

Nation from sea to sea. Light will pierce the darkness. Joy and peace shall replace fear

and sadness. I shall fill My children’s cup to overflowing with My goodness.

Press in, My little ones. Hear Me as I call. Harken unto My Word and follow Me.

Obedience is more pleasing than sacrifice. It is your hearts that I seek. To commune

with you as your heavenly Father. Hear Me, My children. Come this day, for the hour is

here. A new dawn has broken.

Contributor: Shelly Burchnall, View Shelly's Profile

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